Wednesday, September 9, 2009

So this is a blog

This is a blog that I've more or less been assigned to create for my Graphic Storytelling. I haven’t really been in the blogging community at all, but I figure this will probably be more fun than anything else. Little bit of background:

I'm a Games Simulations Arts and Sciences (GSAS) major at good old RPI. My area of expertise is Game Mastering, as well as playing, for a bunch of different pen and paper systems here, including (yes) D&d, as well as GURPS, Exalted, and soon, Sufficiently Advanced. I also am a big fan of Manga and anime, as well as comics and cartoons from the western world, as well as web comics. There’s allot more, but that will probably show up as relevant.

My real name isn't Wash, but it might as well be around here. I look like Alan Tyudic in his roll form the Firefly television series named Wash, and it stuck (watch Firefly, by the way). Now, back to class.......

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