Thursday, September 17, 2009

About those assignments...

Recently, a few Graphic Storytelling assignments were due, and were supposed to be posted to this blog page. Some readers may be noticing the absence of said assignments. Unfortunately, I haven't posted them for a few reasons. First off, Ive been rather sick, and lost allot of time, and I;m scrambling to make up work in most of my classes as a result. Next, because though I brought a nice, shiny combo printer/copier/scanner to RPI this year, I seem to have misplaced a power cord for the device. All the assignments are pretty much done, I just have to figure out where to go to scan them in. This will most likely be done tomorrow, as I still have a bundle of other work to finish today, and I;m stuck in my room making sure I don't fall behind any more. In the mean time, here is something rather awesome.

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