For the making a trailer assignment, I chose to pick a trailer for an upcoming special for Dr. Who, the longest running science fiction show in the world. I've been a fan for a while now, and I've been kind of looking forward to this coming out soon. The trailer itself seems to be aimed at both viewers new to the series, with a bunch of action scenes, and for fans, hinting, or directly referencing pieces of lot that have been in the show, like the "knock four times" comment. I figured this trailer would give me plenty of material for my comic style trailer.
Knowing that the people who have seen this show is in the minority compared to those who haven't, I didn't try to catch the trailer too much with my image trailer. I instead took several screen caps, mixed up the order, and made sense of it with captions. The movie *my* trailer descries would take place on a space ship, leaving mars for earth, and being attacked by a monster made of water they picked up at takeoff, who had taken humanoid form with a space suit. Going, back, that's something Dr. Who might try to do anyway. Something I find amusing is that the easiest person to make look like a monster and antagonist, is in fact the main character of the series, the good doctor himself in a space suit.
Here is a link to the actual trailer for comparison, enjoy:
Here is also a version with my ideas for captions and sounds: