Friday, October 2, 2009

Module 2, last entry

This assignment was to create a comic , presenting water, a fence, a family, a wall and a dog, in that order. I had a rough time coming up with an inventive idea, and I'm not as proud of how the scans turned out for this assignment, but here it goes. The idea behind the strip is that it's a man escaping from prison. The first panel is supposed to be a man's foot after he steps in a puddle. Don't worry if you don;t see it like that, the scanner wasn't able to get the whole image perfectly. The second image has the same man escaping over a hole in the barbed wire of the prison fence. The 3rd panel goes double or nothing, with our man on the run climbing over a wall, towards a yard. I didn't really like this panel, because I didn't get the details too well drawn in. If you read this blog, you also already know how I feel about drawing faces though. In the last panel, before the man can get to the family, a dog chases him away, completing our comic to-do list for the day.

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