Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Death of Obi One Kenobi

For module 3, part 1, I decided to take a classic Star Wars moment and put it to story boards. It turns out that I was far from the only one to have this idea. I'm actually missing one of my sketches. I really have no explanation, I did 8, and there's only 7 around now, so I'll upload what I have now.

A little background: Obi One is engaged in mortal combat with Vader, while the rest of our heroes are trying to get back to their ship, the millennium falcon. Our first panel was of the heroes arriving in a nearby corridor, but as stated, it went missing. They are also unable to move because there's a group of storm troopers guarding the falcon. Before they have a chance to come op with a plan, Obi One and Vader's dual reaches a nearby door. The following panel simply shows their battle from a different angle, showing the storm troopers noticing the loud fight. The camera changes again, to Luke and his team's point of view, as they see the soldiers running in a different direction for some reason. Something I noticed through all these shots is a pit on the room where the falcon is. I included it in all the drawings I could, because it gives a point of reference for all the different groups looking into the room. Soon, R2-D2 and C3PO, as well as Luke and company, make a dash for their ship. Luke stops, realizing that it is Ben fighting Vader that captivates everyone's attention. Ben sees they young boy's concern, smiles, and raises his lightsaber high. Vader slashes at Ben, and Ben's robe falls to the ground empty. In my last panel, Luke crys out in anguish, at the loss of his mentor.

Module 3, part 2

Once again, this is a story board sequence I worked out all on one abnormally large piece of paper, and scanned in several times, resizing things so that all the frames are relatively the same size. This, along with my less than perfect drawing skills lead to the low-ish quality of this set of story boards. If the images aren't clear enough, i will now relate what they are supposed to be.

I found the script for Jurassic park 3, and decided to take scene 4, and story board the beginning of it. The fist panel is of 2 plastic dinosaurs rwaring, and growling at each other. The next series of panels zoom out, and show the setting. A father, watching his toddler play excitedly in a sandbox with toys, while his wife stand over him with a newborn. To add to the suburban sense of the perfect, normal family, I added a grass yard [with sprigs of grass], a picket fence, because there always there, and a bright sun. The exact lines that follow detail the father telling his son he's playing with the toys wrong, because he's having the two plant eaters fight each other. He then picks up a meat eater, and starts having it fight the other dinosaurs. The boy starts crying a bit, probably at having his toys take away, and played with by his father. The mother ends up reminding the father that the son would be the one playing with the toys, so the father gives them back, saying "right, right, nice dinosaurs".

I would comment, that though I have seen this movie, it was several years ago, and I don't remember this scene at all. Soon, I'll probably go and see how close my story boards match the actual visuals of the movie.

Module 3, part 3

I drew this set of story boards up all on one paper, and re sized and separated them, putting them in one file. Th quality took a little bit of a hot in the process. But I digress. This is the story of a cosmic can of warthog soup. The first panel is simply of our "ship" finding it;s way to earth, passing a wayward satalight on the way. The second is the aerial view of the human residence that is about to have it's warthog population increased by 1. Drawing on both some original ideas, as well as my fondness for the loony tunes of my youth, I decided to mess around with my setting a little bit. The soup can;s thrusters fry a passing bird, mid flight. It also does a jump over a suspension bridge, on it;s way through town. On it's way out of the city, it passes an apartment building, and messes up the satalight dish (probably of the device it encountered in orbit) messing up a man's tv reception. After all of this, our errant warthog crashes through a barn, makes a long streak crater in the ground, almost hitting a cow. Perfect landing. He then proceeds to kick off the door to his soup can/ship, directly into the face of the farmer in residence. He then dramatically steps out, clanking on the container, and adjusts his sunglasses and jacket.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Module 2, last entry

This assignment was to create a comic , presenting water, a fence, a family, a wall and a dog, in that order. I had a rough time coming up with an inventive idea, and I'm not as proud of how the scans turned out for this assignment, but here it goes. The idea behind the strip is that it's a man escaping from prison. The first panel is supposed to be a man's foot after he steps in a puddle. Don't worry if you don;t see it like that, the scanner wasn't able to get the whole image perfectly. The second image has the same man escaping over a hole in the barbed wire of the prison fence. The 3rd panel goes double or nothing, with our man on the run climbing over a wall, towards a yard. I didn't really like this panel, because I didn't get the details too well drawn in. If you read this blog, you also already know how I feel about drawing faces though. In the last panel, before the man can get to the family, a dog chases him away, completing our comic to-do list for the day.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Module 2 part 3

Module 2's assignment was hard just because I had to come up with a good story. This was kind of pieced together, thinking back. I did try to stay with the fable/proverb feel of the painting itself, and make something kind of original, though I don;t really expect any awards for it.

Grid assignment

This is my poetry in comics assignment. The idea was to make a 2 panel grid, and have sequential "I used to _______", then "but now I ________". I decided to take one image, and split it into panels. I couldn't find a good way to flip my pic, as I had originally planned. It was supposed to symbolize the dark turning to the light, instead of the other way around. Well, aside from that, I tried to have a mix of serious and silly transitions, mostly just putting in whatever cam into my head at the time. enjoy.