Friday, November 13, 2009

Module 4 part 1

This is my animatic project, a little late, because of time crunch issues, and the fact that I was running out of sleep recently, but here it is.

For my audio clip, I chose a 1:05 bit by one of my favorite stand up comics, Brian Regan. He talks about Evil Kenevil a bit, and remarks on how he figures evil is doing today, and how he thinks when he's being interviewed. The video more or less speaks for itself.

I ended up doing this whole video in MS paint, for a few reasons. The biggest one is that I'm tired of finishing all my work on paper, then having trouble scanning it in, having to touch it up, orient it, and have gobs of the quality ruined. I actually wanted to see how much detail I could get into a bunch of images created with the program as well. It's certainly not the best looking thing ever made, but it cam e out a bit better than I imagined. I also was able to sneak some trick in. I never had to draw a face, and evil was always in a helmet. I used a "bounce counter" to help keep flashback time. Also, to save image creation time, I was able to use the ancient and venerable technique of stock footage. :P

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